Philip Pettit

, 2018, The birth of ethics: reconstructing the role and nature of morality, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

, 2016, Three mistakes about democracy, in A. Fives & K. Breen (eds.), Philosophy and political engagement, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 187-199.

with List, C. , 2011, Group agency: The possibility, design and status of corporate agents, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York.

, 2005, 'From republic to democracy: a comment on Henry Richardson', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71 (1), 196-203.

with List, C. , 2004, 'Aggregating sets of judgments: two impossibility results compared 1', Synthese 140 (1-2), 207-235.

, 1996, 'Realism and truth: a comment on Crispin Wright's truth and objectivity', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (4), 883-890.

with Brennan, G. , 1993, 'Hands invisible and intangible', Synthese 94 (2), 191-225.

, 1989, Decision theory, political theory and the hats hypothesis, in F. D'agostino & I. C. Jarvie (eds.), Freedom and rationality, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 23-34.

, 1988, 'The prisoner's dilemma is an unexploitable Newcomb problem', Synthese 76 (1), 123-134.

with Sylvan, R. , Norman, J. (eds) , 1987, Metaphysics and morality, Blackwell, Oxford.

, 1973, 'Is the reduction necessary for phenomenology? Husserl's and Pfänder's replies: A reply to prof. Spiegelberg', Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 4, 16-19.

, 1972a, On phenomenology as a methodology of philosophy, in W. Mays (ed.), Linguistic analysis and phenomenology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 241-255.

, 1972b, The case for explanation continued: a reply to professor Tugendhat, in W. Mays (ed.), Linguistic analysis and phenomenology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 267-272.

, 1969, On the idea of phenomenology, Scepter books, Dublin.

, a, 'History in the service of philosophy', Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie 8, 85-96.